Walkthrough - King's Quest 4 AGI




The game starts on the beach. North. East. East. "Look under bridge" to find a
gold ball. North. East. East. "Open door" and enter the house. West. "Get book"
from the right shelf. East. Exit the house. West. South. "Open door" and enter
the house. "Clean house". "Get pouch" from the table. Exit the house. South.
Enter the mine. East. "Give pouch to dwarf" at the right side of the mine.
West. Exit the mine. East.

A bird will try to pick up a worm in this area. If the bird doesn't appear,
exit and enter the area until it does. "Get worm". West. West. West. West.
North. North. Exit and enter this area until the minstrel is playing the lute
on the rock. "Give book to minstrel", and he will give you the lute. North.
West. Wait at the end of the pier until the man walks east to the house. East.
"Open door" and enter the house.

"Give pouch to man", and he will give you a fishing pole. Exit the house. West.
"Put worm on hook". "Fish" to catch a fish. East. East. Exit and enter this
area until Pan is playing the flute. "Play lute". "Give lute to Pan", and he
will give you the flute. East. Exit and enter this area until Cupid appears and
drops his bow. "Get bow". South. South. Stand at the south side of the pond and
"drop gold ball". Walk to the north-east corner of the pond and "get frog".
"Kiss frog" to receive the crown.

East. East. East. South. Walk near the waterfall and "wear crown" to transform
into a frog. Rosella will swim through the waterfall to the cave on the other
side. "Get board". Enter the cave. "Get bone". Exit the cave. Swim to the other
side of the waterfall. South. Walk up the path and Rosella will be taken up to
the castle, where Lolotte will ask Rosella to find a unicorn. After the
cutscene, Rosella will be returned to the bottom of the path.

West. West. West. West. West. South. South. West. West. West to arrive on the
island. West. West. "Get feather". East. East. East. Exit and enter this area
until the whale appears. Swim into the middle of the area and the whale will
swallow Rosella. Walk to the left side of the whale's tongue and climb to the
top. Walk to the middle of the tongue and "tickle uvula with feather". North.
Walk inside the boat at the right side of the island and "look ground" to find
a golden bridle.

Walk to the middle of the island and "throw fish". The pelican will drop a
whistle. "Blow whistle", and a dolphin will appear. "Ride dolphin" to return to
the main island. North. East. East. "Shoot arrow at unicorn". "Put bridle on
unicorn". "Ride unicorn". Rosella will ride to the castle, where Lolotte asks
her to find some golden eggs. West. West. South. "Open door" to the house.
"Throw bone to dog". Up. "Get axe". Down. "Open door" under the steps.

Wait here, and the ogre will return. "Look keyhole". After the cutscene, "open
door". "Get hen". North. East. East. Walk up the path and Rosella will be taken
up to the castle, where Lolotte will ask Rosella to find Pandora's Box. West.
South. "Use axe on trees". East. Enter the cave. "Get glass eye" from the
witches at the top-left corner of the cave. Exit the cave. Enter the cave. One
of the witches will throw a scarab toward Rosella. "Get scarab". "Give glass
eye to witch". Exit the cave.

South. South. South. Walk near the waterfall and "wear crown" to transform into
a frog. Rosella will swim through the waterfall to the cave on the other side.
East. "Light lantern". East. South. East. "Put board over chasm". North. East.
Walk near the edge of the path and "jump" sixteen times to cross over to the
island. "Put board over swamp" and walk over it to the island. "Play flute" to
hypnotise the snake. "Get fruit" from the tree.

Walk across the board and "get board". "Jump" sixteen times to return to the
cave entrance. Enter the cave. South. "Put board over chasm". West. North. West
to exit the cave. Swim to the other side of the waterfall. North. West. "Open
door" and enter the house. West. "Look portrait". Walk near the left wall and
"look wall" to discover a latch. "Move latch" to open a secret entrance. West.
"Get shovel". East. East. Exit the house.

West. "Dig" the grave at the top-left corner of the area to find a rattle.
East. "Open door" and enter the house. Up. Enter the left room. West. Walk up
to the cradle and "give rattle to ghost". East. South. Down. Exit the house.
West. "Dig" the grave at the bottom-left corner of the area to find a bag of
gold coins. East. "Open door" and enter the house. "Give coins to ghost". Exit
the house. East.

"Dig" the grave at the bottom-left corner of the area to find a locket. "Open
door" and enter the house. Up. Enter the right room. "Give locket to ghost".
South. Down. Exit the house. West. "Dig" the second grave from the bottom-right
corner of the area to find a medal. East. "Open door" and enter the house.
East. North. "Give medal to ghost". South. West. Exit the house. East. "Dig"
the grave at the back of the area to find a toy horse.

West. "Open door" and enter the house. Up. Enter the right room. "Climb
ladder". "Give toy horse to ghost". "Open chest". "Look in chest" to find sheet
music. South. Down. West. West. Up. Up. "Sit". "Play sheet music" to reveal a
drawer. "Get key" from the drawer. Stand. Down. Down. East. East. Exit the
house. East. "Unlock door". "Open door" to enter the crypt. "Get ladder".
"Climb". "Get Pandora's Box". "Climb". Exit the crypt.

South. South. Walk up the path and Rosella will be taken up to Edgar's room in
the castle. Wait, and Edgar will soon slide a rose under the door. Walk over to
the rose to pick it up. "Get key from rose". "Unlock door". "Open door". Down.
Down. East. Enter the top-right door. "Open cabinet" at the right side of the
room. "Get inventory". West. Enter the bottom-right door. East. Up. Up. "Use
gold key on door". "Open door". "Shoot Lolotte". "Get talisman". Down. West.
"Open door".

"Get hen" from the top-left corner of the room. "Get Pandora's Box" from the
top-right corner of the room. Exit the room. East. Down. West. Exit the castle.
Enter the stable. "Open gate" to free the unicorn. Exit the stable. South.
South. North. North. Enter the crypt. "Climb". "Drop Pandora's Box". "Climb".
Exit the crypt. "Close door". "Lock door". West. West. West. West. West. North.
West. West. West to arrive on the island. South. West. North. "Open door" to
enter the palace. West. Up. "Give talisman to Genesta" to complete the game.